You have pressed the panic button

We realise that many people who seek psychotherapy are feeling very distressed and want help quickly.  It is possible that this will push you into making a “panic buy” in terms of psychotherapy.

Our advice: “It’s OK, don’t panic”.

Even if you are feeling in a panic right now the chances are you will do better to allow yourself a little time to consider your options and make a calmer, more measured decision.

You may be feeling relatively calm, but daunted by the prospect of finding good psychotherapy and confused about where to start.

We hope that the information on this website may help you by giving you some basic information to begin with, and to get you thinking about what is best for you.

Relax for a moment, and read on:

What is psychotherapy?

Different types of psychotherapy

Advice on how to check out a psychotherapist

If you are really panicking, perhaps you can find a calm person to listen to you and help you bear your feelings so that you are in a better frame of mind to explore what help may be best for you. You should also consider talking to your General Practitioner who will know how to access appropriate services.

If you feel you are a danger to yourself you can phone the Samaritans,, on their freephone number, 116 123,  or you can make an urgent appointment to see your GP. In certain situations, it may even be appropriate to consider a respite centre such as Maytree .

Specifically for anxiety the website “No Panic” has a helpline number which is 0844 967 4848.